Chocolate is made from cocoa, which comes from the cocoa fruit. So chocolate is made from a fruit! Which not many people know about. Read more

Roasted cocoa beans are truly versatile and can be the secret ingredient that takes your dishes to the next level. Try these ideas and explore the wonderful world of flavors and textures that roasted cacao beans have to offer!...
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Success with chocolate truffles at home. We offer a simple recipe for making simple chocolate truffles. The secret is, of course, good ingredients. The rest almost takes care of itself
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Tempering chocolate is an important process for several reasons. Firstly, it results in a chocolate with a beautiful and glossy surface that remains even when it has solidified.
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These chocolate truffles are sure to become a cherished part of your festive baking and will impress your loved ones with their seductive combination of white chocolate, saffron and toasted coconut
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Ceremonial cocoa is an ancient drink with roots in ancient cultures. It has been rediscovered and gained popularity in modern times as a tool for ceremony, meditation, self-discovery and personal development. But what exactly is ceremonial cacao an...
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Customers make the pilgrimage to the store to buy our freshly rolled, creamy smooth peanut dreams. Here you get the recipe so you can make them yourself at home if the longing becomes too great and the distance too far.
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A recipe for the perfect hot chocolate. The secret is to mix both cocoa powder and grated chocolate and to add a small pinch of salt. Try it and you'll see.
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